I thought this slide show was a beautiful remembrance of 'the reason for the season.' I love Christmas....the decorations, the smells, the music, the being together, the excitement, the love, the peace, the wonder..... But sometimes in the 'hustle and bustle' of it all, I am "prone to wander.....prone to leave the God I love." He is the reason and the means of all that I hold dear....as Jonathan says, "Thank you, Jesus."
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Fall Blessings, Halloween Ghouls, and Winter Fright!
The Blessings of Fall and Harvest---not to be confused with the Curse of the Canning season---is coming to an end! I think about in mid-September I start praying for a killing frost so I can be done canning and then of course, I'm disappointed that I didn't get everything done that I'd planned. This year I had some wonderful blessings that I wanted to make sure and mention.
- The first was a mother-in-law that canned green beans and pears for me----2 things I despise picking and canning. 96 quarts of beans and 52 quars of pears! Wow!
- The second was some wonderful ladies in the ward that were looking for someone to serve and wanted to can all my applesauce for me---all I had to do was pick the apples, wash bottles and provide lids---well, do you think that I could even get that done? So the kind ladies took pity on me, used their own apples, jars and lids and brought me 48 quarts----for applesauce, that is huge! Now, they did this for MANY different people in the ward, I can't imagine how many hours of service that was. I did get bottles and lids eventually washed and returned to them with LOTS more boxes of apples for them to can, but I was thankful they didn't wait for me or they would have never gotten anything done.
- The third was my kind husband who's ingenious tomato contraption produced picture-perfect tomatoes this year that actually ripened! Wow, this was a new experience! Usually Idaho frosts beats us to them. Also, my Dad provided us with lots of buckets of his tomatoes that added to ours in order to can lots of tomato soup! UMMM! Thank you Jeff and Papa Joe!
- The fourth was Joseph and Papa Joe that provided yummy venison to can and add to our food storage! I love canned venison in stew----it's so fast and yummy!
- The fifth was another very busy family in our ward who were wondering if they could have some of our apples to press into apple juice. We happily gave them whatever they could take and they brought us back some very yummy juice! Wow, nothing like that canned stuff in the store! But that's not all, they wanted us to have the great experience of pressing our own apples and so that made time in their very busy day to bring over their in-laws apple press and help us press about 25 more gallons. We had a great time and the rewards were scrumptuous!
We also had a great Halloween---here are some of our cute little critters:
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Soccer Joe's JV season
We have been wanting to post pictures of our amazing Preston High School Soccer player for awhile. But since my camera has had it and most of the time I forget to take pictures because the game gets too exciting anyway, I haven't had anything worth looking at. Fortunately, at the Soccer banquet last week, one of the Soccer mom's gave me a whole disk worth of JV pictures! What a sweetheart! The JV team had a GREAT season---they won 7, tied 5 and lost 2. They were a very fun team to watch and we loved going to their games. And they love playing so much that a few of them have decided to take it indoors and play soccer all winter long. Of course, Joseph can't be left out of that! So I guess we'll get to continue watching our number 2 a little while longer. Congrats, Joseph on a great season!
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