The first of many blessings would be our lovely and sweet Jacob and his ability to bring out the best in all of us. And for the person Jacob prefers above all.....his Dad. Love him so much!
The second would be sweet moments like this with my 16 year old teaching my 8 year old. A wrestler with 2 black eyes teaching the delicate technique of playing the violin to his little brother. Sweet!!
The third would be hilarious moments like this when my 4 year old is so excited to get the mail that he runs out into the snow, dinosaur mask on--shoes off, too excited to put the mail down so he can pull his pants up-- as they slowly fall to a heap at his feet. I think I laughed until I cried, he was so excited and oblivious to his falling pants! Unexpected humor in the day!
There are so many other wonderful 'mommy' moments that I've experienced these past weeks that have brought me to the startling reality that my babies are growing up.
* Ballroom dance performances by Sam and Ben with grace and poise I didn't know they posessed
* Ben and Sam playing basketball---and looking huge out there on their teams!
* David taking care of his 'little brothers'---so big brotherish and protective!
* Jonathan getting on the bus with his brothers to go to preschool in the morning.....seeing all 5 of the brothers lined up in a heighth line to get on the bus....."when did they grow to be so tall?"
* Listening to my oldest son bear his testimony to his brothers about 'honoring your parents' and being grateful for your family.....yes, I think you could have tipped us all over with a silence in FHE! What an amazing experience!
* Leaving for the evening and knowing that, with a little help from Grandma (okay, a lot!), the boys will take care of each other and be in bed when we get home...totally amazing that they all survived!
Okay, and for some other wonderful moments.....
........going to the SLC temple during Christmas time with Jeff, realizing that I've been married to him almost as long as I lived in my parents home---hopefully, we're melding together a bit better these days!
........frustrated with the never-ending battle against the gray in my hair, yet amazed at how each new gray hair and wrinkle on my husband just makes him that much more handsome.
.......friendship with good women who meet each week, despite the snow and cold, to sing and chat and 'bear each other up' lucky to have that in my life!
.......good food, warm house, kind words, caring people, unexpected friendships, the scriptures, family, teaching, work to do to help us get by, cold star-filled skies, beautiful white snow...
Life is good, we are, so much!