We have had a wonderful summer....sad to see it go. Here are some of our memories from the summer:
*Grandmother and Papa Joe moved to Mink Creek---lots of game nights, fishing trips and fun around the farm! We're so glad they moved here!
*Scout trips---Canoeing for Samuel and Ben and Dad, Rapelling in Zion for Joseph
*4-H---David took a Rocketry Class and made a Rocket and earned a blue ribbon at the fair!
*Cousins visiting Grandmother and Papa Joe and Grandma and Grandpa---cousins are the best! We went swimming, floated the river, had picnics, played games and had a lot of fun with our cousins! Nick and Ryan came and stayed with Grandmother and Papa Joe and Aunt Catharine's family and Aunt Brenda's family came to stay this summer along with Aunt Dawnya's family and Aunt Becky's family. We discovered that we all have musical talents to share. Aunt Catharine's girls played the piano and sang and Robert played the piano and Bill and Scott played the guitar---we even got to jam with them!
*EFY for Samuel with cousins Daniel, Olivia and TJ---secretly, we know he loved it!
*Soccer Camp for Joseph at BYU---found out he really likes BYU!
*Trek for Samuel, Joseph and Benjamin--what a great experience!
*Sun Valley Youth Symphony for Joseph in Sun Valley---he stayed with a wonderful host family and learned alot! Plus Grandmother and Mom got to go and see him perform!
Trips to Riverdale to swim, a trip with Grandmother and Papa Joe to Lava Hot Springs (we love Lava!) and a trip to Lagoon with our family and Scott, Olivia, Camille and Josh! 'Better'n Disneyland David and Jonathan declared! Jacob didn't care too much for it, but loved the wagon!
*Bear lake with David, Jonathan and Jacob and then with our ward, game nights and pack meetings at the Ball Park
*Hauling Hay with Grandma's yummy food, playing violin at the Farmer's Market with Papa Joe for David, mowing grass, cleaning ditches, moving pipe for Joseph, Samuel and Benjamin--hey, even Ryan loved it!
*Late afternoon picnics with family, summer thunderstorms, walks and hikes and rides in the forest, July 4th with family----party in the park and running the river, picnic and fireworks! Grandfather and Uncle Greg even came!
*Gardening, watering, chasing Jacob off the driveway and road, soccer practices, football camp, soccer camp for David
Good bye, Summer, we'll miss you!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Back to school!
Wow! Where did the summer go? It feels like a thief quickly stole it away, I'm feeling a little robbed this morning----but truthfully, probably unprepared!
My cute boys hurriedly posing for me before they run off to school made me realize how fast the time has gone! This is the last 'back to school' picture I will take of Joseph---(unless, of course, I follow him around when he goes to College!) I can still see that cute little kindergartner with the round face and the slicked back hair picking flowers out of my garden to take to his teacher the first day of school in our little red brick house on 300 West in Cedar City. He seemed so little and I was so worried about how he would do at school, if he would have good friends, if his teacher would realize what a treasure she was getting, if the school would do it's job, etc. And here he is, a Senior, taking subjects that I can't fathom....Calculus, Physics, Economics, Government, Symphony, Acapella, AcaDeca, Honors English, Statistics....excelling in sports---lighting up the soccer field, wrestling mat, track.....working hard---moving pipe with his brothers, lifeguarding, hauling hay, cleaning ditches.....serving the Lord----1st Assistant in his Priest Quorum, Stake Youth Council, Seminary....taking care of his brothers----being good buddies with Samuel and Benjamin, mentoring David in Soccer, taking Jonathan and his cousin, Nick, swimming, picking up Jacob when he stretches out his arms to him---helping his old mom out---moving her piano around impossible corners, hanging blinds, putting up trim, hanging drapes, moving impossibly large couches, mowing lawns, etc. He is so much more then I ever imagined that cute little kindergartner with the wilting flowers would ever be. Maybe that's a good thing or I would have probably been scared to death to be his mom! What an amazing young man he is. I know I'll have to let him go soon, that's the way it should be, but sometimes, I'd just like to hold him close again in my arms and snuggle that wiggly, determined little boy once more, before he runs away from me and grows up---way, way too soon.
I look at my other handsome boys and hope this will be a wonderful year for them. Samuel, so tall and strong and amazed that he's overtaking his older brother in stature. When I hear his deep voice sometimes I can't believe this tall, handsome young man was that very busy little boy that was constantly running away from me---keeping my heart rate constantly on high! He still has those startling blue eyes and happy smile---although sometimes it gets hidden behind the teenage grumbly look. So kind to his little brothers----Jonathan loves him to pieces and he's so gentle and kind with Jacob. Now, Benjamin and David share the love/hate relationship with him----can't get along with him or without him---I'm sure it's all tangled up in that 'brotherly love' thing! So fun to see him and Joseph actually friends----Samuel idolizes him! An amazing athlete, musician and thinker....Can't believe this tall, amazing boy is mine!
Benjamin, the cute little imp that my Grandmother was sure I stole from some Indians! His first year in Junior High----I can still see that little 1 year old strolling down the drive way in his diaper--out of his clothes again, riding the lawn mower, giggling hysterically and following Samuel around everywhere. I wonder if Samuel will ever realize the debt he owes Benjamin----that little tiny brother of his that pushed and pushed him forward and was his bestest friend! Benjamin, who comes in 4 or 5 times to tell us goodnight and steal another hug or kiss and then turns around and punches his brothers.....gotta have both sides, I guess. I know he will do well in Junior High---confident and kind, very 'cool'' and handsome with that dark skin, eyes and hair. Such a spiritual young man and crazy too!
David...., from the minute he was born, I was smitten with his amazing dark, long eyelashes that framed those beautiful, big brown eyes. David, whom you never know if he will love you or hate you....though you know it's all love just the same, it just comes out differently. I'm sure he wonders where he was dropped off at with all the chaos in our house and his careful, neat, organized, studious ways....I'm sure all the noise and messiness is hard on him sometimes. He is so grown up! A 4th grader! I remember 4th grade---it was my very favorite year in school. Mrs. Hepworth was my teacher and she was my idol! I hope this year will be a wonderful one for my studious, careful, kind and thoughtful boy! I just know you are going to go to great places---the Moon, uncharted planets and galaxies! You stretch my mind with your thirst for knowledge!
Jonathan, my cute little man, who can throw an amazing fit with hair raising shrieks one minute and then remind me that ""If you just pray about it, it will all work out, because Jesus is listening!"" Yes, it will! or "Are you going to pray on that sprinkler or try to figure it out yourself?" Your cute dimples, infectious laugh and funny comments disarm me with your charm. I love your little 'southern/western drawl'! I hope your kindergarten teacher can see the bright, wonderful, amazing boy that you are! I love you, you handsome little boy ('my baby')!
Jacob's going to Preschool too, but not yet, thank heavens. Otherwise, I'd be left behind and then I'd really be responsible for the mess at home! I need some excuse as to why I can't get everything in order!
So glad to see my boys turning into wonderful young men....yet it's so bittersweet to realize how fast they're changing. I was playing the game of "I wish I'd done......." the other night when I couldn't sleep. I should have taken you on more walks, taking you swimming every night, (like we used to), I should have made more time for just you and me, I should have listened to you better, when I was so 'busy', I should have read you more stories, I should have made sure things were in better order so you could find your shoes, socks, pants, etc., I should have fixed you more good food, we should have had more fun together, we should have gone camping more, I shouldn't have yelled, I should have hugged and kissed you more and told you how amazing I think you are....but the time goes, the stress happens, the busy schedule goes on....I just hope I remember to REALLY look at you every time I'm near you and REALLY listen to all of your wonderful ideas and REALLY be there for all the wonderful things you do, if I'm not, please know that I want to be there and I want you to know that you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me----thanks for letting me share your wonderful life!
Here's some pics of my cute little boys on their first day of school: Joseph--a senior, Samuel---an 8th grader, Benjamin---a 6th grader, David----a 4th grader, Jonathan---a Kindergartner! The 3 pipe-moving/soccer/football boys driving to school in style (via the Geo)! Jonathan and David left earlier on the bus!
My cute boys hurriedly posing for me before they run off to school made me realize how fast the time has gone! This is the last 'back to school' picture I will take of Joseph---(unless, of course, I follow him around when he goes to College!) I can still see that cute little kindergartner with the round face and the slicked back hair picking flowers out of my garden to take to his teacher the first day of school in our little red brick house on 300 West in Cedar City. He seemed so little and I was so worried about how he would do at school, if he would have good friends, if his teacher would realize what a treasure she was getting, if the school would do it's job, etc. And here he is, a Senior, taking subjects that I can't fathom....Calculus, Physics, Economics, Government, Symphony, Acapella, AcaDeca, Honors English, Statistics....excelling in sports---lighting up the soccer field, wrestling mat, track.....working hard---moving pipe with his brothers, lifeguarding, hauling hay, cleaning ditches.....serving the Lord----1st Assistant in his Priest Quorum, Stake Youth Council, Seminary....taking care of his brothers----being good buddies with Samuel and Benjamin, mentoring David in Soccer, taking Jonathan and his cousin, Nick, swimming, picking up Jacob when he stretches out his arms to him---helping his old mom out---moving her piano around impossible corners, hanging blinds, putting up trim, hanging drapes, moving impossibly large couches, mowing lawns, etc. He is so much more then I ever imagined that cute little kindergartner with the wilting flowers would ever be. Maybe that's a good thing or I would have probably been scared to death to be his mom! What an amazing young man he is. I know I'll have to let him go soon, that's the way it should be, but sometimes, I'd just like to hold him close again in my arms and snuggle that wiggly, determined little boy once more, before he runs away from me and grows up---way, way too soon.
I look at my other handsome boys and hope this will be a wonderful year for them. Samuel, so tall and strong and amazed that he's overtaking his older brother in stature. When I hear his deep voice sometimes I can't believe this tall, handsome young man was that very busy little boy that was constantly running away from me---keeping my heart rate constantly on high! He still has those startling blue eyes and happy smile---although sometimes it gets hidden behind the teenage grumbly look. So kind to his little brothers----Jonathan loves him to pieces and he's so gentle and kind with Jacob. Now, Benjamin and David share the love/hate relationship with him----can't get along with him or without him---I'm sure it's all tangled up in that 'brotherly love' thing! So fun to see him and Joseph actually friends----Samuel idolizes him! An amazing athlete, musician and thinker....Can't believe this tall, amazing boy is mine!
Benjamin, the cute little imp that my Grandmother was sure I stole from some Indians! His first year in Junior High----I can still see that little 1 year old strolling down the drive way in his diaper--out of his clothes again, riding the lawn mower, giggling hysterically and following Samuel around everywhere. I wonder if Samuel will ever realize the debt he owes Benjamin----that little tiny brother of his that pushed and pushed him forward and was his bestest friend! Benjamin, who comes in 4 or 5 times to tell us goodnight and steal another hug or kiss and then turns around and punches his brothers.....gotta have both sides, I guess. I know he will do well in Junior High---confident and kind, very 'cool'' and handsome with that dark skin, eyes and hair. Such a spiritual young man and crazy too!
David...., from the minute he was born, I was smitten with his amazing dark, long eyelashes that framed those beautiful, big brown eyes. David, whom you never know if he will love you or hate you....though you know it's all love just the same, it just comes out differently. I'm sure he wonders where he was dropped off at with all the chaos in our house and his careful, neat, organized, studious ways....I'm sure all the noise and messiness is hard on him sometimes. He is so grown up! A 4th grader! I remember 4th grade---it was my very favorite year in school. Mrs. Hepworth was my teacher and she was my idol! I hope this year will be a wonderful one for my studious, careful, kind and thoughtful boy! I just know you are going to go to great places---the Moon, uncharted planets and galaxies! You stretch my mind with your thirst for knowledge!
Jonathan, my cute little man, who can throw an amazing fit with hair raising shrieks one minute and then remind me that ""If you just pray about it, it will all work out, because Jesus is listening!"" Yes, it will! or "Are you going to pray on that sprinkler or try to figure it out yourself?" Your cute dimples, infectious laugh and funny comments disarm me with your charm. I love your little 'southern/western drawl'! I hope your kindergarten teacher can see the bright, wonderful, amazing boy that you are! I love you, you handsome little boy ('my baby')!
Jacob's going to Preschool too, but not yet, thank heavens. Otherwise, I'd be left behind and then I'd really be responsible for the mess at home! I need some excuse as to why I can't get everything in order!
So glad to see my boys turning into wonderful young men....yet it's so bittersweet to realize how fast they're changing. I was playing the game of "I wish I'd done......." the other night when I couldn't sleep. I should have taken you on more walks, taking you swimming every night, (like we used to), I should have made more time for just you and me, I should have listened to you better, when I was so 'busy', I should have read you more stories, I should have made sure things were in better order so you could find your shoes, socks, pants, etc., I should have fixed you more good food, we should have had more fun together, we should have gone camping more, I shouldn't have yelled, I should have hugged and kissed you more and told you how amazing I think you are....but the time goes, the stress happens, the busy schedule goes on....I just hope I remember to REALLY look at you every time I'm near you and REALLY listen to all of your wonderful ideas and REALLY be there for all the wonderful things you do, if I'm not, please know that I want to be there and I want you to know that you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me----thanks for letting me share your wonderful life!
Here's some pics of my cute little boys on their first day of school: Joseph--a senior, Samuel---an 8th grader, Benjamin---a 6th grader, David----a 4th grader, Jonathan---a Kindergartner! The 3 pipe-moving/soccer/football boys driving to school in style (via the Geo)! Jonathan and David left earlier on the bus!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Blue Skies, new snow, a district medal for our wrestler!
The snow was nearly melted this week until Wednesday when a blustery storm blew in a covered us all up with a beautiful new blanket of glistening snow! Admittedly, it is a stunning sight against the beautiful blue skies and the lustrous rising full moon last night, but still, I'm yearning for Spring! It's always an amazing miracle to watch the snow melt, the grass appear and begin to turn green, the daffodils begin pushing up their beautiful heads.....it does give one hope, doesn't it? That in the midst of a frozen, dead world, there is the hope and dream that it will be green and living again? That keeps us going through the Spring 'tease' of winter/spring/winter/spring weather! This Spring I vow to pull every weed and get my flower beds in order quickly. It's unbelievable that at the end of summer I was so ready to be done watering and weeding and harvesting, now it seems like a special gift that I can't wait to open. I hope by August, I'm still singing the same song!
Enough of that Spring pining!

Today we got to watch Joseph take 1st place at the District Wrestling Tournament! Wow, he pinned his guy in 22 seconds flat! The fastest pin we saw all day! The best thing about it was watching him jump up and hold his thumb up in the air to his Dad after he pinned his opponent! He was pretty proud----and his Dad, well his chest did seem as if it was swelling a bit! His brothers huddled around him, in awe, so excited that they were related to someone who had done such an amazing thing! Jacob gave him high 5's and 'knuckles'. What a fun day! Well, here we go....on to state!

This week we have spent taking our turns being sick----that really yucky throw-uppy sick that makes you want to melt into the ground to gain relief! Jacob started it last Friday night. Jeff and I were going to the Temple on Saturday and staying overnight to 'get away'. So when Jacob was throwing up all night, I assumed our plans would have to change. But Jacob rallied a bit and we left later in the day. Jacob still had some rough times, but his brothers took good care of him and Jeff and I had a good time unwinding! Joseph even took his brothers to Stake Conference---amazingly they all got dressed on their own and made it there together (except for Samuel and Jacob). That does do a mother's heart good to know that her children can and will do some 'good' things on their own!
Sunday night took me and Jonathan down and soon to follow were Ben and Samuel on Valentine's day---not a very festive day! But Jonathan and I did enjoy making some Valentine coupons for everyone. I received some beautiful flowers and everyone went to bed early---wow, that was amazing! Because everyone spent Tuesday home (except for Jeff and Joseph), we decided to get busy and make our video auditions for the ISSI this summer. You'd think recording a 2 minute song wouldn't take very long, but it was amazing how it took our whole day, and night and the next day! I guess you should always just go with the first recording, because after you try for a 'better' one it just seems to get progressively worse until you wonder if anyone is going to be able to get through their piece at all! They did finally get done, submitted and applications sent off. Here is the 'fruit' of our recording sessions:
Benjamin playing "Scherzo" by Webster
David playing "Waltz" by Brahms
Jonathan playing "Twinkle Variation A" (aka 'Mississippi Hot Dog')
Samuel playing "Moon over a ruined castle" and "March in G"---Samuel auditioned for and received 3rd chair in the Bridgerland Honor Orchestra in Logan. He will perform in March with students in the 7-9th grades from the Cache Valley area! Congrats, Samuel!
And Joseph playing the 1st mvmnt. of the Bruch Concerto
Jacob started preschool and doesn't seem bothered by it at all! We've been a little inconsistent because of illness, but he seems to love all the social interaction and the kids seem to love him, too! Jonathan loves taking his little brother to "Miss Judy's" preschool on Mondays and Thursdays and "Sister Greene's" preschool on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Jacobs getting a little frustrated with his inability to communicate his wants and desires as quickly as he'd like to---or else frustrated with his parent apparent lack of being able to pick up his 'signs' or 'clues'! He still loves to dazzle us with his walking skills when we kneel down for prayer, but declines pretty vehemently to walk when asked. Hmmm....wonder where he got that stubborn streak from?
Here's Jacob and Sister Greene at Joseph's wrestling match----

Well, Spring will be here before we know it---lots happening in March---String Festivals, District Solo Competitions, Swim Meets, Basketball games (still!), Church Ball (going for the Stake Championship!) Track, and of course, school! Grateful for a 'loving' February---cute boys, fun times watching them at games, tournaments, scout events, etc. We are so blessed!
Enough of that Spring pining!
Today we got to watch Joseph take 1st place at the District Wrestling Tournament! Wow, he pinned his guy in 22 seconds flat! The fastest pin we saw all day! The best thing about it was watching him jump up and hold his thumb up in the air to his Dad after he pinned his opponent! He was pretty proud----and his Dad, well his chest did seem as if it was swelling a bit! His brothers huddled around him, in awe, so excited that they were related to someone who had done such an amazing thing! Jacob gave him high 5's and 'knuckles'. What a fun day! Well, here we go....on to state!
This week we have spent taking our turns being sick----that really yucky throw-uppy sick that makes you want to melt into the ground to gain relief! Jacob started it last Friday night. Jeff and I were going to the Temple on Saturday and staying overnight to 'get away'. So when Jacob was throwing up all night, I assumed our plans would have to change. But Jacob rallied a bit and we left later in the day. Jacob still had some rough times, but his brothers took good care of him and Jeff and I had a good time unwinding! Joseph even took his brothers to Stake Conference---amazingly they all got dressed on their own and made it there together (except for Samuel and Jacob). That does do a mother's heart good to know that her children can and will do some 'good' things on their own!
Sunday night took me and Jonathan down and soon to follow were Ben and Samuel on Valentine's day---not a very festive day! But Jonathan and I did enjoy making some Valentine coupons for everyone. I received some beautiful flowers and everyone went to bed early---wow, that was amazing! Because everyone spent Tuesday home (except for Jeff and Joseph), we decided to get busy and make our video auditions for the ISSI this summer. You'd think recording a 2 minute song wouldn't take very long, but it was amazing how it took our whole day, and night and the next day! I guess you should always just go with the first recording, because after you try for a 'better' one it just seems to get progressively worse until you wonder if anyone is going to be able to get through their piece at all! They did finally get done, submitted and applications sent off. Here is the 'fruit' of our recording sessions:
Benjamin playing "Scherzo" by Webster
David playing "Waltz" by Brahms
Jonathan playing "Twinkle Variation A" (aka 'Mississippi Hot Dog')
Samuel playing "Moon over a ruined castle" and "March in G"---Samuel auditioned for and received 3rd chair in the Bridgerland Honor Orchestra in Logan. He will perform in March with students in the 7-9th grades from the Cache Valley area! Congrats, Samuel!
And Joseph playing the 1st mvmnt. of the Bruch Concerto
Jacob started preschool and doesn't seem bothered by it at all! We've been a little inconsistent because of illness, but he seems to love all the social interaction and the kids seem to love him, too! Jonathan loves taking his little brother to "Miss Judy's" preschool on Mondays and Thursdays and "Sister Greene's" preschool on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Jacobs getting a little frustrated with his inability to communicate his wants and desires as quickly as he'd like to---or else frustrated with his parent apparent lack of being able to pick up his 'signs' or 'clues'! He still loves to dazzle us with his walking skills when we kneel down for prayer, but declines pretty vehemently to walk when asked. Hmmm....wonder where he got that stubborn streak from?
Here's Jacob and Sister Greene at Joseph's wrestling match----
Well, Spring will be here before we know it---lots happening in March---String Festivals, District Solo Competitions, Swim Meets, Basketball games (still!), Church Ball (going for the Stake Championship!) Track, and of course, school! Grateful for a 'loving' February---cute boys, fun times watching them at games, tournaments, scout events, etc. We are so blessed!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Where did January go?
So where has January gone? I was hoping this month would go fast, but it's gone faster then I anticipated! A quick run down of our month would be:
* Wrestling every weekend for Joseph-----A different tournament all over Idaho/Utah---He's doing great. Last week he pinned his man in 44 seconds, which I thought was pretty fast! If I could remember to get my camera out quick enough, I might even be able to post a pic! Joseph is also working on the Bruch g minor violin concerto. Since we have heard this nearly every day since last May, his teacher has kindly added in a Bach Partita and Meditation from Thais by Massenet. His teacher is so cute---in an effort to find a better Skype connection she now goes to a small practice room on campus and sits on the floor with her computer in her lap and violin in hand. Gotta love the wonders of technology! Joseph also has a 3.95 GPA from last semester with Chemistry 2, Physics, Calculus, Honors English and Concurrent US History. Wow, I'm impressed---can't believe he's my child, glad he got Jeff's brains!
*Samuel is playing a lot of basketball---everywhere--Malad, Ogden, Preston, Logan. Thankfully, his coach has been in Mexico for a week, so we've had a little break. He and Joseph also play on the church ball team and are 2-1 so far----going for that Stake Championship! Samuel got to have the first 'live' Bass lesson with his teacher, Anthony Willey, who lives in Provo. The first thing we noticed was that Samuel's Bass looked miniscule compared to Anthony's----guess you can only see part of a Bass on Skype. Samuel is learning the wonders of paying attention to details and drilling very small details over and over again----hard lessons for a 7th grader sometimes! But this week he practiced faithfully with the metronome and amazed his teacher---the rosin on his bow could have helped also, since he's been without for a couple of weeks----nevertheless----an accomplishment! Samuel continues to plow through the 7th grade curriculum----7th grade is sooo hard in our school district----at least science and math, but only one more trimester to go---wahoo!
*Benjamin has had a hard time staying well this year! We finally took him to the Nurse Practitioner, since he hadn't been able to talk for 2 weeks to just see what the heck was the matter with this kid! She couldn't find anything wrong either, but agreed that 2 week without a voice and seal barking was not good, so she put him on an inhaler and that seems to have helped a bit. He was quite impressed that he had an inhaler, just like his Grandmother---kinda makes you feel important! Ben added Rec basketball to his busy swimming, dancing, orchestra schedule last week and they won their first game by 1 point! Wahoo! Benjamin also finished the Book of Mormon last week. He set a goal last year to finish it and has faithfully read every night. Now, he's tackling the Old Testament----I told him, good luck! He has some interesting questions for me now, maybe he should be reading the Pearl of Great Price in tandem, and Old Testament scholar, I'm not! Anyway, Benjamin was a little concerned about his grades because of all the school he's missed, but seems to be getting back into the groove.
*David also began Rec Basketball last week and has his first game this week. He was amazed that he wasn't half bad at his first practice---he said: "Wow, Sam, Ben and Joseph keep telling me how bad I am at basketball, and I'm really not!" Gotta love the brotherly humility treatment! David is working his way through the Harry Potter books and doing a great job! He is enjoying orchestra and wants to finish his last piece in his Suzuki Book 1 book so he can give his recital and get his trophy! He, Ben and Jonathan are also doing lessons via Skype with our wonderful Cedar City teacher--Sara Penny. Although Joseph is a great teacher----the 'brotherly' element was getting in the way a bit. We've loved getting back on track with Sara and remembering all those great things she taught Joseph.
*Jonathan is almost finished learning his Twinkles and is learning "Mary had a little lamb"---fiddle style for the String Festival in March. He also got his first 10-day 'perk' (an ice cream sundae!) on his 100 days of practice, and thinks that's a pretty cool deal! Jonathan is loving preschool and can never get enough of it! He enjoys 'Miss Judy's Preschool' and 'Sister Greene's' Preschool. He's a little concerned about his baby brother joining him at the 'big boy' Preschool next week, but I'm sure he'll show Jacob all the ropes of Preschool! Jonathan is getting so tall and his hair is turning dark. We all went to a Jon Schmidt piano recital on Saturday night and Jonathan entertained us today by trying to play the piano upside down with his hands crossed----kinda hard to do, especially if you don't even know much about playing the piano!
*Jacob is loving the freedom that learning to walk brings! He especially loves the applause and cheers from his brothers and family. When we gather to say family prayer, he's pretty sure that we're just there to applaud and cheer him on in his walking antics---and of course, we are! He is getting so big and will be 3 this week! I can't believe it, wow, where has the time gone? He's accomplished so much this year and is loving going to 'Sis. Greene's Preschool.' I still believe he's a special love note from Heavenly Father just to me. When things go wrong or there's too much boy energy in our house his sweet little arms give me lots of love and his laughter and cute little personality can pull me out of the darkest of moments! We're so lucky to have him!
Jacob loves giving his brother a ride!
*Jeff is feeling lucky to still have his job, at the moment, since 5 of his fellow workers have just been laid off. We're crossing our fingers and feeling grateful to still be employed. Hopefully, things will pick up sooner!
*I'm still doing laundry, washing dishes, washing floors and driving endlessly! I have several really talented students this year and have really enjoyed working with them. I've also enjoyed working with the ladies in the Mountain Aire choir. Although our group is getting a little smaller, we have some great music that we're working on---"This is the Christ", "Behold the wounds,", "My Heavenly Father loves me" and a 60's medley---since one of the ladies pointed out that that's our 'old people' music now! Anyway, grateful to have music and family filling up my life! So, so lucky to have what I have and be where I am. Wish I was a little better at getting my projects finished----but that gives me something to look forward to, I guess!
Goodbye, January---Bring it on, February!
From Family pix |
* Wrestling every weekend for Joseph-----A different tournament all over Idaho/Utah---He's doing great. Last week he pinned his man in 44 seconds, which I thought was pretty fast! If I could remember to get my camera out quick enough, I might even be able to post a pic! Joseph is also working on the Bruch g minor violin concerto. Since we have heard this nearly every day since last May, his teacher has kindly added in a Bach Partita and Meditation from Thais by Massenet. His teacher is so cute---in an effort to find a better Skype connection she now goes to a small practice room on campus and sits on the floor with her computer in her lap and violin in hand. Gotta love the wonders of technology! Joseph also has a 3.95 GPA from last semester with Chemistry 2, Physics, Calculus, Honors English and Concurrent US History. Wow, I'm impressed---can't believe he's my child, glad he got Jeff's brains!
From Family pix |
*Samuel is playing a lot of basketball---everywhere--Malad, Ogden, Preston, Logan. Thankfully, his coach has been in Mexico for a week, so we've had a little break. He and Joseph also play on the church ball team and are 2-1 so far----going for that Stake Championship! Samuel got to have the first 'live' Bass lesson with his teacher, Anthony Willey, who lives in Provo. The first thing we noticed was that Samuel's Bass looked miniscule compared to Anthony's----guess you can only see part of a Bass on Skype. Samuel is learning the wonders of paying attention to details and drilling very small details over and over again----hard lessons for a 7th grader sometimes! But this week he practiced faithfully with the metronome and amazed his teacher---the rosin on his bow could have helped also, since he's been without for a couple of weeks----nevertheless----an accomplishment! Samuel continues to plow through the 7th grade curriculum----7th grade is sooo hard in our school district----at least science and math, but only one more trimester to go---wahoo!
From Family pix |
*Benjamin has had a hard time staying well this year! We finally took him to the Nurse Practitioner, since he hadn't been able to talk for 2 weeks to just see what the heck was the matter with this kid! She couldn't find anything wrong either, but agreed that 2 week without a voice and seal barking was not good, so she put him on an inhaler and that seems to have helped a bit. He was quite impressed that he had an inhaler, just like his Grandmother---kinda makes you feel important! Ben added Rec basketball to his busy swimming, dancing, orchestra schedule last week and they won their first game by 1 point! Wahoo! Benjamin also finished the Book of Mormon last week. He set a goal last year to finish it and has faithfully read every night. Now, he's tackling the Old Testament----I told him, good luck! He has some interesting questions for me now, maybe he should be reading the Pearl of Great Price in tandem, and Old Testament scholar, I'm not! Anyway, Benjamin was a little concerned about his grades because of all the school he's missed, but seems to be getting back into the groove.
From Family pix |
*David also began Rec Basketball last week and has his first game this week. He was amazed that he wasn't half bad at his first practice---he said: "Wow, Sam, Ben and Joseph keep telling me how bad I am at basketball, and I'm really not!" Gotta love the brotherly humility treatment! David is working his way through the Harry Potter books and doing a great job! He is enjoying orchestra and wants to finish his last piece in his Suzuki Book 1 book so he can give his recital and get his trophy! He, Ben and Jonathan are also doing lessons via Skype with our wonderful Cedar City teacher--Sara Penny. Although Joseph is a great teacher----the 'brotherly' element was getting in the way a bit. We've loved getting back on track with Sara and remembering all those great things she taught Joseph.
From Family pix |
*Jonathan is almost finished learning his Twinkles and is learning "Mary had a little lamb"---fiddle style for the String Festival in March. He also got his first 10-day 'perk' (an ice cream sundae!) on his 100 days of practice, and thinks that's a pretty cool deal! Jonathan is loving preschool and can never get enough of it! He enjoys 'Miss Judy's Preschool' and 'Sister Greene's' Preschool. He's a little concerned about his baby brother joining him at the 'big boy' Preschool next week, but I'm sure he'll show Jacob all the ropes of Preschool! Jonathan is getting so tall and his hair is turning dark. We all went to a Jon Schmidt piano recital on Saturday night and Jonathan entertained us today by trying to play the piano upside down with his hands crossed----kinda hard to do, especially if you don't even know much about playing the piano!
From Family pix |
*Jacob is loving the freedom that learning to walk brings! He especially loves the applause and cheers from his brothers and family. When we gather to say family prayer, he's pretty sure that we're just there to applaud and cheer him on in his walking antics---and of course, we are! He is getting so big and will be 3 this week! I can't believe it, wow, where has the time gone? He's accomplished so much this year and is loving going to 'Sis. Greene's Preschool.' I still believe he's a special love note from Heavenly Father just to me. When things go wrong or there's too much boy energy in our house his sweet little arms give me lots of love and his laughter and cute little personality can pull me out of the darkest of moments! We're so lucky to have him!
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From 2011-01 (Jan) |
Jacob loves giving his brother a ride!
*Jeff is feeling lucky to still have his job, at the moment, since 5 of his fellow workers have just been laid off. We're crossing our fingers and feeling grateful to still be employed. Hopefully, things will pick up sooner!
*I'm still doing laundry, washing dishes, washing floors and driving endlessly! I have several really talented students this year and have really enjoyed working with them. I've also enjoyed working with the ladies in the Mountain Aire choir. Although our group is getting a little smaller, we have some great music that we're working on---"This is the Christ", "Behold the wounds,", "My Heavenly Father loves me" and a 60's medley---since one of the ladies pointed out that that's our 'old people' music now! Anyway, grateful to have music and family filling up my life! So, so lucky to have what I have and be where I am. Wish I was a little better at getting my projects finished----but that gives me something to look forward to, I guess!
Goodbye, January---Bring it on, February!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Our California Adventure!
We had an amazing Christmas Vacation this year! Although, by the time it came around for us to go, I wasn't sure if I wanted to anymore....right before Christmas! But it turned out to be some of the funnest times we've had together! Be it:
* driving all night to get to Grandmother's,
* finding Redboxes along the way to check out movies,
* quizzing each other on '4th grade facts',
* arriving in California in the middle of the wettest week they've ever had (1 1/2 inches per hour!),
* discovering Crystal Cove and the Pacific Coast Highway's charm---and basically having it to ourselves (who else would have been out in this storm!),
* finding tide pools, newly formed rivers and waterfalls, starfish, mussels, amazingly beautiful beaches,
* warming up in the car after we'd been soaked on the beach,
* finding laundromats to dry our drenched clothes and shoes,
* finding more Redboxes to get more movies,
* wondering if the Marriott we stayed in near Fullerton College housed the entire football team during an intense workout----because it certainly smelled like they'd been there!,
* walking on to all the rides at Disneyland---wondering if there was more water in the log on Splash Mountain then through the entire ride,
* taking Jonathan on Buzz Lightyear----how many times?!?,
* taking Jonathan on all the 'thriller' rides....poor child didn't get to hang out on the little kid rides---when he exclaimed that the 'monster' on the Matterhorn was really pretty scary---we just said---oh, you'll be fine!,
* smelling wet, smelly shoes in the hotel room----ummm, nice combination now----
* finding another laundromat to get those shoes dried and smelling better!,
* LOOSING our tickets to Disneyland in a Dollar store while buying more rain ponchos and flip flops (ditching those stinky shoes!),
* FINDING our tickets---soaked and thrashed under some cars in the parking lot----wow, our own personal miracle--THANK YOU JOSEPH!,
* watching the amazing Disneyland fireworks----and laughing at my kids as they scoffed at the manufactured 'snow'---yeah, not really the same thing!,
* Space Mountain----how many times?---how many different poses?----it's all about the pose!,
* riding the train,
* eating chocolate,
* falling into bed at 2:00 a.m.,
* one perfectly beautiful day at the picturesque Crystal Cove,
* so fun to watch Jonathan and his 'stick',
* David in heaven finding one sea creature after another,
* Ben taking it all in and saying 'this is the most perfect trip ever!',
* Samuel trying to outdo Joseph in the water,
* Joseph trying to make sure Samuel doesn't out do him in the water,
* watching my boys run hand and hand laughing into the ocean---does it get any better then that?!, it was worth every minute for that spellbound moment of brothers hand in hand---silhouetted against the setting sun---one timeless, perfect picture to remember.
Yes, it was a 'perfect' Christmas! Thank you, Santa!
* driving all night to get to Grandmother's,
* finding Redboxes along the way to check out movies,
* quizzing each other on '4th grade facts',
* arriving in California in the middle of the wettest week they've ever had (1 1/2 inches per hour!),
* discovering Crystal Cove and the Pacific Coast Highway's charm---and basically having it to ourselves (who else would have been out in this storm!),
* finding tide pools, newly formed rivers and waterfalls, starfish, mussels, amazingly beautiful beaches,
* warming up in the car after we'd been soaked on the beach,
* finding laundromats to dry our drenched clothes and shoes,
* finding more Redboxes to get more movies,
* wondering if the Marriott we stayed in near Fullerton College housed the entire football team during an intense workout----because it certainly smelled like they'd been there!,
* walking on to all the rides at Disneyland---wondering if there was more water in the log on Splash Mountain then through the entire ride,
* taking Jonathan on Buzz Lightyear----how many times?!?,
* taking Jonathan on all the 'thriller' rides....poor child didn't get to hang out on the little kid rides---when he exclaimed that the 'monster' on the Matterhorn was really pretty scary---we just said---oh, you'll be fine!,
* smelling wet, smelly shoes in the hotel room----ummm, nice combination now----
* finding another laundromat to get those shoes dried and smelling better!,
* LOOSING our tickets to Disneyland in a Dollar store while buying more rain ponchos and flip flops (ditching those stinky shoes!),
* FINDING our tickets---soaked and thrashed under some cars in the parking lot----wow, our own personal miracle--THANK YOU JOSEPH!,
* watching the amazing Disneyland fireworks----and laughing at my kids as they scoffed at the manufactured 'snow'---yeah, not really the same thing!,
* Space Mountain----how many times?---how many different poses?----it's all about the pose!,
* riding the train,
* eating chocolate,
* falling into bed at 2:00 a.m.,
* one perfectly beautiful day at the picturesque Crystal Cove,
* so fun to watch Jonathan and his 'stick',
* David in heaven finding one sea creature after another,
* Ben taking it all in and saying 'this is the most perfect trip ever!',
* Samuel trying to outdo Joseph in the water,
* Joseph trying to make sure Samuel doesn't out do him in the water,
* watching my boys run hand and hand laughing into the ocean---does it get any better then that?!, it was worth every minute for that spellbound moment of brothers hand in hand---silhouetted against the setting sun---one timeless, perfect picture to remember.
Yes, it was a 'perfect' Christmas! Thank you, Santa!
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