My original purpose in blogging was to keep better track of our family happenin's---a 'journal of sorts' as Mary suggests. So I've decided to quit waiting for some world class event to happen again before I write and update the blog. Hopefully, this entry won't be tooo boring!
Unfortunately, as I recall events of the week, I am struck with 'vacant brain syndrome'---the fact that my memory only lasts as long as the room I'm standing in at the time---if I change rooms, my memory is suddenly erased---an amazing phenomenon that seems to get worse with aging! Anyway, I will plod along and see if I can't stir up something out of this 'vacant brain'! I will start with our latest home improvement event.
Home Improvement event: Prior to the delivery of 'beautiful baby' last January, I had that wonderful stroke of 'nesting frenzy' seize me prior to Christmas and I painted and cleaned out an unfinished portion of the downstairs and one of the bedrooms. This was sparked by my desire to move resident 'then toddler-house-destroyer' out of his crib and nursery upstairs, to the basement--current domain of the Birch Creek Gang boys (stinky socks, dirty gym clothes, unmade beds.. general mess area). Well, I eventually won out in moving the little 'destroyer' downstairs (after several weeks of sleepless nights and holes in the wall) and even moved Soccer Joe into his 'new room' aka 'corner next to the bathroom.'
At the time, I extracted a promise from Farmer Boy that if I did my little paint job on the walls, trim, ceiling, etc, that he would put baseboard trim up so that we could put carpet down and have a nice new little addition to the basement. Yes, well, and there are currently several pieces of baseboard up....and they've been up for quite a while, ...but... yeah..., new and more interesting projects have drawn Farmer Boy's attention elsewhere. Meanwhile, I have had distractions of my own, along with little to no technical expertise to rely on, and hence, the basement floor was still a cold, concrete slab. This was actually not too bad during the summer when you could pad along the cool floor and get a little reprieve from the heat. But now as Fall has progressed, I have felt increasingly guilty as I have checked on my little brood before I head to bed and seen Soccer Joe sprawled on the concrete slab--snoring in his attempt to pray before hopping into bed.
I have debated about what would be easier---motivating Farmer Boy to finish project (which apparently holds little interest for him)...hmmm..., sharpening my own pathetic carpentry skills and finishing the project myself...hahaha....., or raiding my parents' house for a spare 'prayer' rug for said snoring soccer player...much better thought! Hmm, motivate Farmer Boy, learn a new skill.....not going to happen in a short amount of time, raiding the parents was clearly the only alternative.
It's amazing what one phone call to fabulous parents can accomplish-----rug on the floor, soccer decoration applied to wall, mirror hung, trim nailed up---all in 2 hours or less. Let's see that's 8 months of guilt, bugging husband, throwing fits, spilling tears, etc. resolved in ...just a couple of hours?! Papa Joe you are amazing! Thank you, thank you! Now we have snoring soccer boy on nice warm rug, less-harried husband, and less guilty/frazzled mom! The bed still needs to be refinished and window shades hung, but the transformation is quite amazing---too bad I don't have any 'before' pictures. You'll just have to trust me that when Papa Joe and I stepped back to check out the room---it was an awesome sight! Anyway, here are some pics----I will post more when I get the bed painted! Hopefully, not in 8 more months!!!
1 comment:
Wow - His room looks great! I love the colors. Dad is a good guy - it's nice to have him around to help with projects (besides he likes doing stuff over just sitting around - I wonder if I can get him to clean out my garage - just kidding hehehe)
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