Hey Guys!!!
Sorry, this letter might be pretty short. The internet cafe is pretty full, and the other two elders still need to do there emails. Anyways......
Ben, sorry i keep forgetting to answer you, i am of the opinion that you should do what you want. There are three things you need to remember though in making this decision. 1. Are you going to get over the height of 6 foot 2 inches, cause if not, i would do wrestling. 2. Which one of these sports is going to help you be a better football player. Basketball teaches you good field vision, but wrestling teaches you how to be tough and how to endure. 3. Which one do you think you will have the most fun/success with. It is your call Ben, but just remember whichever one you choose this year should probaly be the one you choose for the rest of high school, but i do know that whatever you do, you will be successful at it, and also remember that Dad was a state champ wrestler......just saying, it's in your blood. Congradulations also on your game Ben, i am very proud of you and wish you the best of luck heading into post season play. Hid em hard, get some yards!!!!! Good luck man, take care!
Sam, ya won your game, congradulations!!! If i remember right, you lost to Minico last year, so that is a great accomplishment. That is to bad the varsity lost there game, sounds like RJ had a rough night. Maybe they need somebody that can actually kick a ball though....like you maybe? Just kidding, RJ's a great kid, but let's be honest he should have played soccer. Cool!!! Good luck this week man, get another couple W's and remember wrestling is right around the corner. (Hey, two quick things. 1. How did the soccer team do this year and 2. If Ben decides to do wrestling, talk with Coach Olsen and ask him if Ben could train with the High School team, it would really help him.)
David, hey, it sounds like your team is doing better!!! Keep up the good work, sounds like you are doing so good work. Good luck at your tournament next week, sorry you won't be able to play in all the games, maybe you can fake a broken arm or something so you don't have to play in this (stupid..cough, cough) orchastra concert. Play hard buddy, always give your best. Also, ill write you another letter, im not sure why you didn't get the last one, but will give it another shot, be watching the mail. Love ya man!!!
JONATHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you buddy? Is soccer already over? YOU GOT UNLIMITED CAKE AND ICE CREAM!?!?!? Get out of here man! That is awesome, sounds like you had an awesome time!!! Sounds like you have a sweet talk prepared for primary. A scripture that i really like that talks about the Holy Ghost is in Moroni 10:3-5. I love it cause it promises us as we ask God about the Book of Mormon and really about anything in life, he will let us know the truth of the things we ask and answer our questions through the Power of the Holy Ghost. Cool buddy! You'll do great on your talk, take care!!!
JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Mini Man!!! How are you doing? Mom said you are getting better, that's awesome!!! I've been praying for you every night i want you to know that, i hope school is getting better and that there is not so much "drama" in your life anymore. Take care bud, have a great week!!!
Dad, i found a funny political picture i think you will enjoy, it is the donkey one, see if you can get the joke. Hope all is going well for you and work and at home. We got our first snow for the year on friday, but is was just a brush through here, everything is still so green, you would like it over here. Have a great week, take care.
Mom, sounds like you had another crazy, chaotically awesome week! Im glad you got to sub for special ed, sounds like it was a great experience for you. Your right, i think your meant to always have someone there to take care of, other wise i think you might go crazy, maybe that is a part of the reason Jacob is in our family, cause Heavenly Father knew you would love to always have someone there to take care of (and boss around :) ) cool, hope you have another wonderful week!
My week short version:
Monday: Helped Dzeirzon family move there wood pile and clean up their yard a little.
Tuesday: Zone Training and German class
Wensday: Lesson with Frau Sherer and Berdigung for Sch. Waber from our ward who suddenly and unexpectly passed away last week on a trip in southern t-roll on Oct.3. Super sad, but the funeral is not one i will ever forget.
Thursday: Helped Familie De Fillipo some more with there house most the day. Had a lesson about temple's with Sch. Kissler, talked about setting Temple date for her.
Friday: Had a lesson with Fam. Krugel, went well, Sister Krugel really expressed her worry about her huspands drinking and her desire to come to church. If you could keep them in your prayers, i know they would appreciate it.
Saturday: Helped De Fillipo Familie again, all day. Grouted tile and painted cealing.
Sunday: Had a great church day, and then spent the rest of the day for the most part doing studies and going through the ward list with our ward clerk updating and fixing member information. Was fun though.
Couple other things, we got transfer calls this week. I am STAYING IN ROSENHEIM!!! Super excited, me and Elder Jerman get to work another transfer together (that is cool that his mom called you). Unfortuanately, Elder Bassett is leaving to Klogenfurt for his last transfer, which is sad, but he'll do some good work there. The new Elder we are getting heisst Elder Hogan. He is from Smithfield, Utah. Should be fun with him there!
To close i wanted to share with you a really cool miracle that happened to us this week. So me and Elder German were cleaning up after the funeral and a guy walked into the church and first off asked if we spoke English then after we said yes, he told us he would like to start coming to our english class, and church from now on. We sat down and talked with him for a little while, his name is Arnold and he worked on a ship in the Caribean as a cook for quite a few years during his lifetime. We found out that he has had a really hard life, but despite that, has a great love and trust in Jesus Christ. We talked to him a little about what we beleived and gave him a Book of Mormon with the chapter Moroni 7 vorschlagt. The next day when we were at De Fillipo's, we got a call from him saying he wanted us to come over and talk to him more about this book. I think i almost passed out when he said that, so we hurried and called the other two elders and they ended up going by him, teaching him a lesson, and commiting him to baptism! It was so cool, the only sad thing is he is in the other elders area, so we won't get to teach him. That is ok though, it was such an awesome experience and such a testimony strengthener to me that this really is the Lord's work. That he has indeed prepared people for me and all the missionaries out in the field to find and teach. I am so grateful to have the oppurtunity to be a missionary, to be an instrument in the had of the Lord to bring souls unto him. Thank you for all your support back home, and for all that you guys have done for me throughout my entire life. I have been blessed passed anything that i ever deserve, but i hope in serving this mission i can begin to show Heavenly Father how greatful i am for all that he has given me.
Have a great week this week guys, i love and miss you tons, take care, win your games!
Elder Seamons
Oct. 7th letter:
Oct. 7th letter:
Hey Guys!!!
Good to hear from you again! Sounds like another fun filled week and it sounds like there was alot going on. Ben, ya won your game!!! That's great!!! Keep up the good work buddy, sounds like your doing a lot good out there on the field, try not to drop the ball at all next time (just kidding, but seriously don't drop the ball)!!! Keep winning so that you can make it to the Mini Dome this year! That would be sweet!!! Hey David!!! Sounds like you had a great Birthday and got some pretty sweet presents. I really like you soccer backpack, i know i always wanted one, super cool. About those cleats, if i were you, i would by them. If i am remembering right, those are the Adidas Classico or the Adidas Supreme. Some people say they are the best most reliable cleats ever made, i never had a pair, but i know they usually cost around $100 so ya, if they are only $30 then i would sure as heck by them! They are made out of kangaroo leather, which is the best possible leather you can get for soccer shoes. I would buy them if i were you. Sorry your games didn't go as well as you wanted, but keep in there, i know that you will always give your best and i am sure you are learning alot of skills now that will help you in the future (soccer and life wise). Cool!!! Eine Frage, did you get my letter to you yet? I had some tips in there that i think can help you and your deffensive line, if you don't get it by next week, tell me and i will write you another one. Cool!!! Hey Sam, i guess your not as ugly as you were when i left cause someone actually asked you out (OHHHHHH BURNNNNNN!!!). Just kidding, that is cool Clair asked you out to the dance, i hope you have a great time, and i hope your group is a lot of fun. Also Sam, i wanted to let you know again (pretty sure i told this to you before i left) when or if (ha ha) you get your liscense, you are welcome to use my car, just please, don't do anything stupid with it (zum biespiel, let Jesse or Sage drive it). Sorry your games didn't go so well, hang in there bud just always give your best and don't let anybody stop you from literally being the best. Good luck this week buddy, take care, and WINN!!! (you got to get in the habit of winning again before wrestling season starts up). JONATHANNN!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey man what's up!?!?!?! 59 A.R. Points!!! Man you are on fire, keep up the great work and let me know when you get to 100. What book are you reading right now? How is school going? Thanks for sharing with me what you learned this week, i love that story from Alma and King Limhi's people making it Zerahemla. We can learn alot from the part where the people of Alma turn to the Lord when their burdens are heavy, we can also do so in our lives. When we feel overwhelmed, or that we can't "handle life" we can turn to our Heavenly Father because he knows us and loves us, and as we ask him for help he will give it just like our Dad gives us help when we ask him. Cool, thanks again buddy, i hope you have a wonderful week, and that you are successful in all that you do!!! JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey mini Man, how you doing? Im so sorry to hear that you are so sick, that is no fun, i hope you get better soon, remember you are always in my prayers!!! Sorry school is still a lot of drama, i don't see what the big deal is, but i hope that some people can get their heads on straight and CTR. Have a great week buddy, love you tons!!!
Cool my week:
Monday: Went by and talked to our friend Priest Schmit. He isn't an investigator, but we did have a really good discussion about both of our religions. Helped him to understand what we really beleive, not just what is on Wikipedia.
Tuesday: Had District Meeting and singing practice for our singing deal last friday. Got back in Rosenheim a little later than expected, but we did find some cool potentials that we can hopefully meet with this week.
Wensday: Had a lesson with Schwester Morgner about building upon the Rock of our Reedeemer. She seemed to really enjoy our discussion, but once again, turned down our invatation to Church. She said she was going to try the Salzburg Gemeinda cause she doesn't know anyone there and it gives her kind of a "fresh start" i think. I don't know, hopefully that will work out, im kinda of out of ideas on how to help her. We also had a lesson with Rita about how to identify the Holy Ghost. It was such a spiritual lesson, and we extended her a baptismal date, but she says she is still not sure if it is right for her. It was kind of heart breaking, cause we both know it IS what she is looking for, but we will see how this week goes. Please keep her in your prayers if you could.
Thursday: We tried a new way of finding called "A Window to Heaven" that our GML taught us. We didn't get a lot of potentials out of it, but we did talk to alot of people that i feel, really needed to hear what we had to share. Two really cool miralces that did come out of it was 1. We ended up contacting a former investigator that meet with the Elders sometime last year. Her name is Frau Berbec and we had actually been trying to make contact with her for the past couple weeks or so. She said she would love to meet with us again once she has her baby in a couple of weeks. She is super cool, and is so enthusiastic about the Jesus Christ. Im excited, i think we could help her get somewhere. 2. Our second miracle is right after we were done talking to her, a guy came up to us and said he wanted to meet with us! WELL THAT NEVER HAPPENS. We were so suprised, we forgot to give him a Book of Mormon after he gave us his contact information. Unfortuanately, he lives in the other Elders area, but that is ok that fact is, there are indeed people out there who want to hear the truth. AWESOME!!!
Friday: We did the singing deal and that literally took up the whole day. We sang at two old folkes homes and it reminded me of when we used to go play our instuments for the old people. Good times, brought back good old memories, i hope you guys are still doing that often!!!
Saturday: Woke up early and went and helped Famile De Fillipo with their house some more. We were there the whole day until we needed to come back to Rosenheim to watch conference. We watched the Saturday Morning session live at the church and it was only us four elders and one member.
Cool that was my week. To close, i just wanted to share a cool verse i read this week in my scripture study. It is in Helaman 5:6-8. I won't type the whole thing, but i wanted to share part of it. In verse six it say,"6.Behold, my sons, I desire that ye should remember to keep the commandments of God; and I would that ye should declare unto the people these words. Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first aparents who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were bgood.7 Therefore, my sons, I would that ye should do that which is good, that it may be said of you, and also written, even as it has been said and written of them." As i read these words, i thought of my name and all the people i was named after. Joseph is the Papa Joe's first name, it is also the name of the 3 Later Prophets, Nephi's brother in the Book of Mormon, and the name of one of the twelve sons of isreal to which i can say i am a proud descendent of. My middle name Scott is Grandpa's name, it is also the middle name of all of his son's and the middle name of a great deal of his grandchildren. And my last name Seamons is the family name which i proudly wear. It is the family name of some of the greatest people i know, and the last name of some of the greatest people i look up to. I guess what i am trying to say is we all have names we can link back to great admirable people. I know mom and dad took alot of thought and care into giving us each of our names, because they know the power that a name can carry. It gives us something to work for, something to strive for, i challenge each of you my little brothers to think of your name and the greatness there of. To think of the many great men and women who carried that same name and do your very best to represent that name as best as you possibly can. I promise us all as we strive to live up to the great names we carry and bring honor to each of these names, we will bring pride to our families, and those who have come before us.
I love you guys so much and pray you all have a wonderful week, take care, and know you are in my prayers.
Elder Seamons

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