Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good bye Summer!

We have had a wonderful summer....sad to see it go. Here are some of our memories from the summer:
*Grandmother and Papa Joe moved to Mink Creek---lots of game nights, fishing trips and fun around the farm! We're so glad they moved here!
*Scout trips---Canoeing for Samuel and Ben and Dad, Rapelling in Zion for Joseph
*4-H---David took a Rocketry Class and made a Rocket and earned a blue ribbon at the fair!
*Cousins visiting Grandmother and Papa Joe and Grandma and Grandpa---cousins are the best! We went swimming, floated the river, had picnics, played games and had a lot of fun with our cousins! Nick and Ryan came and stayed with Grandmother and Papa Joe and Aunt Catharine's family and Aunt Brenda's family came to stay this summer along with Aunt Dawnya's family and Aunt Becky's family. We discovered that we all have musical talents to share. Aunt Catharine's girls played the piano and sang and Robert played the piano and Bill and Scott played the guitar---we even got to jam with them!
*EFY for Samuel with cousins Daniel, Olivia and TJ---secretly, we know he loved it!
*Soccer Camp for Joseph at BYU---found out he really likes BYU!
*Trek for Samuel, Joseph and Benjamin--what a great experience!
*Sun Valley Youth Symphony for Joseph in Sun Valley---he stayed with a wonderful host family and learned alot! Plus Grandmother and Mom got to go and see him perform!
Trips to Riverdale to swim, a trip with Grandmother and Papa Joe to Lava Hot Springs (we love Lava!) and a trip to Lagoon with our family and Scott, Olivia, Camille and Josh! 'Better'n Disneyland David and Jonathan declared! Jacob didn't care too much for it, but loved the wagon!
*Bear lake with David, Jonathan and Jacob and then with our ward, game nights and pack meetings at the Ball Park
*Hauling Hay with Grandma's yummy food, playing violin at the Farmer's Market with Papa Joe for David, mowing grass, cleaning ditches, moving pipe for Joseph, Samuel and Benjamin--hey, even Ryan loved it!
*Late afternoon picnics with family, summer thunderstorms, walks and hikes and rides in the forest, July 4th with family----party in the park and running the river, picnic and fireworks! Grandfather and Uncle Greg even came!
*Gardening, watering, chasing Jacob off the driveway and road, soccer practices, football camp, soccer camp for David
Good bye, Summer, we'll miss you!


GrandMaMa said...

Jen I love all your pics of Bear Lake and Lagoon. what a great looking group of cousins you had with you. Wonderful memories for your boys!

Necia said...

Love your blog, Jen! You have a great family.