Sunday, April 26, 2009

Camping at Zion's---Spring Break 2009

We had a great time during Spring Break. We visited Grandmother and then went camping at Zion's. Joseph chose to stay and work with Papa Joe on his farm----we missed him, but know he had a great time with Papa Joe.

We found a great camping spot outside of Zion's along the Virgin River. The first night it was nice and warm and the kids, of course, jumped into the river and got themselves completely wet and dirty before changing into their swimsuits and then getting them completely dirty also!

Jonathan and Ben try out the water

We got the tent up and had our wienie roast and had a great time freezing in the tent all night----I think that's what you're supposed to do when you camp---it's required! It probably wouldn't have been so bad if the air mattress would have stayed full of air, but one side kept deflating all night----fortunately, Jeff's side!
The next day was soaking wet! We drove around and looked at the beautiful canyon and finally summoned up enough courage to hike in the pouring rain. The first hike the boys did was a short one up to Weeping Rock. The next one was a bit more ambitious up near the Narrows and Temple of Sinawatha (I think that's right). We were rewarded for being soaked to death by beautiful waterfalls coming off the cliffs into the river. Jacob seemed quite happy to stay in the backpack, covered up in his winter snowsuit. There was even some snow on the tops of the gigantic canyon walls. Here are some pics:

Jonathan just woke up from his nap and is looking for the 'baby' in the waterfall (he overheard us say we were looking at 'baby waterfalls')
Climbing on rock formations along the Virgin---David, Ben, Sam and Jonathan

David's thinking spot---'Picture me' he begs!

Fancy Footwork by David and Jonathan

Finally, after getting completely soaked on this Sinawatha hike, we decided to go try out at the Visitor Center. There we found rain ponchos! Yey! Why didn't we hink of that sooner? So complete in bright red ponchos, we headed over to Emerald Pools. The 3 waterfalls on the lower pool were incredible! We got to walk right underneath them. The hike up to the second waterfall wasn't bad, but up to the 3rd waterfall, I was wondering if Jonathan and I would make it back down! But we did. I have never seen so much water at the 3rd pool---the wind was blowing the water al over the huge rocks and it was turning into ice on the rocks----it was pretty impressive. Cold....but impressive! It took us a little longer to get back since Samuel and Benjamin figured they were expert hikers and took off a different way back down the trail. Yes, we panicked, thinking they had somehow took a wrong turn and were high above us on a canyon wall that they couldn't get down from. But, of course, they found us----happy that they had beat us down pretty good----well, who wouldn't since we backtracked 3 or 4 times to find the 2 lost boys!

Benjamin in front of 2 of the 3 falls at the 1st pool

The next day it cleared up and was a beautiful sunny day. Benjamin and Samuel were set on hiking Angel's Landing. I could just remember being terrified of the heighths and dropoffs when I hiked it before. But, fortunately, Jonathan got sick and so I had an out. So off went Jeff with David, Sam and Ben. They had a great time hiking, taking pictures and daring each other---glad I wasn't there!

The view on the way up to Angel's Landing

Having fun in rock cavities!

We headed home late that evening and were thrilled to find warm food, hot showers and soft, warm beds at Grandmother's house----the very best part of camping is coming home and cleaning up! Yey!

New Glasses for Jacob

Our cute little superhero got his new glasses last week. I was worried we would be spending our days putting them back on after he tore them off, but he's been pretty good about it and submits cheerfully to them. They just get so dirty that I wonder if it's better to be able to see 'through a dirty glass' or not have them at all. They seem to be fixing the cross-eyedness, least I think so. We'll see what the doc says in a couple of months. Sorry this is so blurry, something's wrong with my webcam camera and my other camera was dropped at Angels Landing---so there weren't a lot of options to choose from to take the picture!

Assume the good and doubt the bad....and what about the HOW?

I stumbled upon this message of Elder Holland (yes, Elder Holland again---I think he speaks just to me!) that was especially poignant today since I was having one of my 'martyr moments'---I'm sure noone other than me ever has those, so I'll describe a little of my shining qualities that I possess when these occur:

*I usually haven't had much sleep when these occur and I'm really ticked off that my better half thinks he's 'tired' because he only got 5 or 6 hours of sleep and needs a 'nap' (even after sleeping through church)

*I do all of the household chores that I've put off all week at breakneck speed and defy anyone to try and keep up with me, so that I can finish them all 'alone' and look with loathing at my 'napping' husband

*I roll my eyes at comments that I think are 'childish' and 'boring'

*I remind him of all of the things that he didn't accomplish that day, that I think he should have done, as I virtuously check off my list of tasks accomplished in my mind (of course, I know why I didn't accomplish the ones that didn't get done---there were some very good reasons!)

*I bristle at any criticism that he makes of me and remind him for the umpteenth time of all the sacrifices I have made for him and how I think he should have made my life better

*I mentally start down the road of 'what ifs..........'

Okay, I probably don't need to describe any other lovely details of these stellar moments, I'm sure I've painted the picture quite well. Anyway, in the midst of this depressive mood I came upon this video of Elder Holland and thought that I'd listen to it just so I could writhe a little bit more in my 'martyrness'---so I could feel bad that I've been so mistreated by the one who should love me most.

The first thing that struck me was the "HOW". I'd never thought about 'HOW' I show love? I'd usually thought of this line by E.B. Browning as the "what great ways do I prove that I love you." Anyway, the "HOW" got me thinking, actually I realized that I NEVER think about the HOW----I don't even consider that I should have to do it!

And then another line grabbed me-----'Assume the good and doubt the bad. I'm pretty sure that I do just the reverse----'Doubt the good and assume the worst.' It was a wake up call to me----so, here's the link:

And here are the HOW's that my sweet husband has shown me:

*Did I mention loading the dishwasher at night? He does it methodically nearly EVERY night.

*He always checks the washing machine and puts the load in the dryer, since I notoriously forget and then have stinky wash

*He can make anything work longer then it's life expectancy----vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, he can work his magic!

*He picks me up at the DI because I locked my keys in the car and he finds a policeman to get the car open and then goes and makes copies of the keys so I won't get stranded again-----he never belittles or asks 'why' I did it

*When he stands quietly in the grocery store for 45 minutes while I try to figure out my couponing scheme----he never says "Maybe you should be a bit more organized before shopping....?"

*He goes camping to Zion's with me at the last minute during Spring Break......even though he HATES camping and can't really afford to take the time off. Then he lets me pick the camping spot, but does all the dirty work (tent up, fire, making hot dog sticks, etc.)

*He cleans up the throw up all over the bathroom from a child in the middle of the night when I've been pregnant because the smell makes me throw up as well

*He spends his 4th of July looking for inner tubes for 22 people+ to float the Bear River because I had the great idea to invite everyone to float the river, but not a clue on how to find enough tubes for them all

*He wears his red turtleneck sweater for Christmas Eve dinner because he knows it's important to me to 'look' festive and dressed up, even though he hates the shirt

*He puts lights up at Christmas, even though he's morally and ethically opposed to it (well, opposed to it for some reason)

*He buys and fills up a cooler of food and treats for me and some clothes while I stayed at McKay-Dee Hospital with Jacob

*He brings me strawberries, even when they're not on sale

*He spends his Christmas vacation working on our 'new' car that's not working so that we can drive down and spend time with my family for New Year's

*He plants currents on my Dad's farm that I volunteered to plant-----especially since I have no clue about how to do it, even after it's been explained to me

*He goes to the Temple with me, even when there's still 'daylight' outside and he could still be 'farming'

Yes, I can see HOW he loves me......I've got a ways to go on HOW I love him. And I think life would look a whole lot different to both of us if I would:


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Message

This is a beautiful dramatization of Elder Holland's conference talk. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.