Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sept. 23rd Letter from our missionary

Hey Guys!
Sorry, im not going to have much time to email today 1. Cause we don't have much time and 2. kinda scraping the pot of money for the month (I swear, i have bought more train tickets in the last month then anybody should in there entire life, oh well, Lords work must be done!!!) and emailing here is pretty expensive.
Ok enough complaining.
Well it sounds like you guys have had another great week!!! Ben, you guys won!!! Thats awesome, but if im thinking right, you have to win the rest of your games to make it to the dome. Keep it up buddy, Hit hard, run hard, but play clean. Sam, sounds like you had a pretty good bye week. Mom sent me a clip from one of your games, and that was a pretty sweet diving tackle you had!!! Best of luck this week, have confidence, and know you can win!!! Sorry also about your shins, that suck that they are injured, but have you tried iceing after practice? I think that might help. Talk to Nate, cause it aint no fun running on hurt shins!!! Good job at Bob Firman, you should email Daniel and tell him how your life is doing, he would really like to hear. David, dude, your cleats are super sick!!! I love the red, where did you get those at??? Mom sent me some pictures of you and it looks like you are doing well. Couple of tips: When you kick the ball, DO NOT KICK WITH YOUR TOE!!! I could see in your freekick picture you kicked with your toe and also, you are not finnishing your kick. Your should be kicking with the inside or top of your foot and should have your body leaned over the ball as you kick, and should be landing on the foot you kicked with (this is probaly making no sense. Ask Sam or your coach, they should both know what im talking about. If Sam doesn't know what im talking about slap him, Just kinding, don't). One other tip i will give you is i noticed that you are deffending a little bit with your legs wide open and on your heels. You should doch be on the balls of your feet (your toes) and should have your legs staggered not even with eachother (again, wenn du nich vestehst, sollst du den Samuel oder deinen Coach fragen).Cool!!! JONATHAN MY MAN!!! What's up!?!?!? Sorry you lost your game, but you looked like you were running and working so hard!!! Keep up the hard work buddy, it will pay off in the end!!! I hope school is going great for you, keep working hard and choosing the right and i know you will have a great year at school. That is cool that you read the story about Jacob and Sheram. We can learn alot from that story. One thing i have learned as i have read that story is that we always need to be reading our scriptures, saying our prayers, going to church, and having FHE, so that we don't fall off the straight and narrow path like Sharom did. Cool man, let me know what cool story you read in the Book of Mormon this week!!! JACOB!!! What's up mini man!!! Sounds like your still going to school and everything. Sorry the bus is so difficult, man, i never really liked the bus either. Keep working hard and always keep  that smile on your face dude!!!
OK my week:
Monday: Found a really cool guy named Hillary. He is from Uganda and we are going to go by him sometime this week. Also, the other two elders found a guy named Carlos who lives in our area. We are also going to go by him sometime this week. Later that night we had GMK. (Gemeinda Missions Konferenz)
Tuesday: Had district meeting then had a finding day in Traunstein. Made out an appoinment with a man me and Elder Armstrong found named Andreas. We will go by this week on Thursday, should be great!!! Also that night we had a super awesome Gemeindarat!!!
Wendsday: Oh man, this was quite a trip. We went by on a referal from Salt Lake in the middle of nowhere and also went by on a less active this day. The referal wasn't home and there is no house where the less active supposidely lived at. The gegen was beutiful though i actually took pictures so i'll send them to you of these days!!! That night we had dinner at a sinkin fancy restreaunt compliments of Preister Schmidt (our Catholic priest frieind). We talked quite a bit over both our churches beleifs and had a great time. What a cool guy!!!
Thursday: Did the amazing trip part 2 only to find out that yet again, these less active members do not live where they are supposibly supposed to be living, and our other referal from Salt Lake wasn't home, but we did get his phone number off of his front door. Later that night we went by Rita who has been really sick with a bacterial infection she got from an injury in Thailand. We talked about faith in Jesus Christ and gave her a blessing. It was so awesome, wish you could have been there!!!
Friday: Frau Ford dropped us, said she just could not beleive in Adam and Eve, but we did have a good lesson with Shwester Morgner. She has been really having a hard time with her son, but i think the things we said can help her.
Saturday: We had a aufstellung (propeganda stand) in Neuettine (helping the other elders in our District). Went pretty well, Elder Jerman and I found a really cool kid named Tabal. He took a Book of Mormon and said the misisonaries could come by later. He has already read the Bible and the Koran!!! We also had a less with Frau Sherer that night!!! It went pretty good, but she sure likes to talk alot!!! Later that evening, we had dinner with Familie Schmullius and had a member lesson with them.
Sunday: Church was great. Had a way to long eating appointment with Familie Berka, but was super fun trostdem. Did studies that night, that was really it.
Today: I played "Nearer my God to thee" at the Funeral of Schwester Unterehar's baby that died last week. If you guys could keep them in your prayers, i know it would be much appreciated. They need all the help they can get.
Well, that was my week. I don't have much time left but i want you all to know that i love you very much and wish you the best week ahead. I want you all to know that God is real and he does hear our prayers. He does hear and answer every one of his Children's prayers. He loves us more than any one of us can possibly comprehend. He sends us the Holy Ghost to confirm this love he has. He watches out for us, and wants nothing more than to see us happy. This is his life and his joy, that we may know him and one day live a life worthy to live with him for the eternities. Take care yall and know im always praying for you!!!
Elder Seamons

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