Monday, June 22, 2009

David at Suzuki Institute


David went to Suzuki Institute this year for the first time. He loved it! He especially loved his crazy master class teacher, Terry Durbin! Mr. Durbin can make any sound on the violin from race cars to seagulls to laughter! He was an amazing teacher and David just ate it up!
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Mary said...

All your pictures are great but I especially love this one of David - he looks like he is having so much fun! What a fun time. My kids loved having their cousins here but do want to know why they could not just stay home in the day and play!

Opera Diva said...

I know! I felt bad when Dawson greeted me at the door with, "Why do you just come to our house and then you're gone all the time and don't play with us?" We should have gone to the movie or something--I think I was just too exhausted to think anymore. Thank you so much for letting us stay there and we'll have to have a time when we just come to play! You're the best sister in the world to put us up and take such good care of us! Love you much!

GrandMaMa said...

I loved this pic! I'm so happy David had such a great time. Can't wait to hear him play what he learned there.