Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Posting Bloobers and such!

Apologies to anyone who saw the last title of my 'post-in-progress'! I was in the middle of writing something and for some reason it posted the title, which didn't make any sense! My bad!

Anyway, the REASON for the silly title on my blog blooper was that I was in somewhat of a slump on Sunday after I'd changed the time of our little Mink Creek 'Mountain Air' singing group 4 or 5 times to try and accommodate everyone's schedule and the conflicting Yoga class that is the hot new Relief Society activity--meeting 4 times a week for 90 minutes each---(I sure can't figure out how to schedule around it.) After having 4 of the ladies tell me point blank that they 'just didn't want to do it anymore (the singing group),' I thought, "Well, let's just be honest, shall we!"

I think I was having wallflower complex on Sunday----you know that feeling when you'd go to a dance and stand there talking with your friends until all of them had been asked to dance except you and you tried to act like it really didn't bother you, you were having a marvelous time anyway? So, after hanging up from the last lady that just gushed, "I just don't want to come to your group, no matter what time you change it to,..." and looking at my completely wrecked kitchen (after Sunday dinner blues!)....I was beginning to question my purpose on this planet! But, oh well, you get what you get and don't throw a fit... right Rebecca?

Anyway, onward! Yesterday, I was wondering if perhaps there was a hex on our house, or what is going on! It all started 3 weeks ago when the sewer backed up into the basement. I think my husband was actually glad because he finally had a reason to dig up the yard again----okay, that's going a bit too far, but he did look like he was having a good time out there digging with his Dad and brother on the backhoe. So today, with that supposedly fixed,
*the dryer finally bit the dust and the washer quit agitating,
*the 3 vacuums that we've kept running through the miracles of duct tape and a lot of luck finally gave up the ghost,
*the fancy new sprinkler I bought that cost WAY too much money (because it wasn't free) lost it's timer button and wouldn't run anymore,
*the lawnmower caught something around it and my darling son, in attempting to fix it, turned it upside down and all the oil ran into the carburetor which rendered it useless,
*the soaker hoses in the garden quit 'soaking' 3 of the rows,
*I misread my recipe while making a double batch of raspberry jam and put the sugar in FIRST, instead of the pectin---so now I have raspberry syrup,
*Jacob learned the fine art of messing your pants and rubbing it all over the carpet before Mom clues into why he's having so much fun in his room with his brother and then pops the bath 'duck' in trying to get him into the tub,
*Jeff's cousin's wife, Necia shows up with her son for a 'visit' (she looks quite glamorous, I just got out of the shower), so I reluctantly let her, dusted the cheerios off the chair and onto the floor so she could sit and watch me try to save my burned dinner, feed the kids in 10 minutes and get swimming suits on to go to the pool---and why can I find everyone's suit except my coverup---I do NOT swim without a coverup!

I think I forgot to mention that all of the above events (except for the sewer) happened YESTERDAY! Is this possible? At first I cried when the washing machine wouldn't agitate, but by the time I was trying to get rid of all the smoke in the kitchen from the burned taco meat, I don't think I dared even breathe, for fear of what other fun event was waiting around the corner. I SHOULD have stayed up last night after we got home at 11:00 and tried to start in on the mess, but the invitation to enter a comatose state by hiding under the covers of my bed was too persuasive! And believe it or not, it didn't look quite as bad when I woke up this morning to look at it!

Okay, I've whined long enough, but I thought maybe I'd better start THIS day off a little differently.....so here are some things I was grateful for this morning when I woke up:
*the darkness hiding the dirty dishes and crushed cheerios on the floor
*Jeff' ability to read the instructions on the sprinkler better then I and being able to at least get it started !
*My swamp cooler is still working----wahoo! AT least I can be cool as I'm stressing!
*I discovered if I only put 2 or 3 items in the washing machine, it will agitate, a little----this could be a very long washing day---but at least I don't have to resort to a scrubbing board, yet! And I do have a line to hang clothes on, and it is hot enough to get them dry quickly!
*We also discovered that the sewer is NOT backing up in the basement, as I feared, because my dear little Jonathan has compacted so much laundry detergent down the drain, that it couldn't possibly backwash (I wondered why my laundry soap was going so fast!)---the washing machine has simply developed a leak---(probably because it doesn't want to agitate!), and so the water is collecting ABOVE the drain---we can simply scoop it out!
*Jeff at least 'discovered' what the problem was with the lawn mower---now he just has to 'spend some time with it'. I'm so glad someone has mecanical skills in this family! (I think mechanical skills must be math related!)
*I discovered a little sweeper vacuum in the computer room that Jonathan claimed as his at Christmastime and promptly broke with his enthusaistic vacuuming!If I can figure out how to change the belt, it will probably work for a little while!
*And if all else fails, we can go swimming and I can
**watch my biggest kid (Jeff) squirt everyone with Ben's birthday present while the lifeguard tries to kick him out of the pool (unfortunately, for the lifeguard, he's one of the young men in our ward, so Jeff just ignores him),
**be thankful that my kids can splash and play in the pool until their exhausted and then put their jammies on and go to sleep
**laugh at my cute little Jacob's crooked smile as I place him on the side of the pool and say 'ready?' and he sticks out his chin, squeezes his eyes tightly shut and holds out his arms as I let him 'jump' to me in the pool----soooo,cute, I really need a picture of it!

So if noone wants to sing with me, c'est la vie! I guess I'll have to take up yoga!


Cathy said...

I've been following your blog for a bit - I've been struggling with some of the same type of issues you have, as well as some other ones that also complicate life. It was good to see your "grateful" list - I'm going to do the same now, as things can always be worse. So, deep breaths...(sitting in lotus position even though it hurts...) aaaahhhhh-uuummmmmm......aaaaahhhhhhh-uuuuuummmmmm.... :)

Mary said...

I was a little concerned about you yesterday! - It's good to make a "grateful" list, makes life seem a little easier

GrandMaMa said...

Jen you really are a very talented writer...honestly you must publish.... these are great! What's wrong with those women...why don't they want to sing when they have such a talented, fantastic, beautiful director? Can't wait to see Jacob in the pool....